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GREAT WHITE THRONE The Great White Throne is mentioned in Revelation 20:11, which the apostle John sees after Satan is cast into the lake of fire. And this white throne is not the throne that was in the millennium kingdom with full of glory, because, this throne will be set up for the judgment of the dead after the millennial kingdom. and this throne is called the big and white throne. The enormity of the throne represents God's greatness and omnipotence. This great throne will be set up only once, and at that time all the judgment of human being will be completed, After that there will be no need for this throne, but the Revelation Chapter 20 Verse 11, says that the glory of the one who sits on the throne is so great that the earth and the heavens flee from before him. This shows two things. First, the white throne is not in heaven And the second is that this throne is not even on earth Rather, this throne is in the air. When this throne was set up, the ea
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5 things to know about end of the world according to BIBLE.

5 things to know about end of the world according to BIBLE. So, it is said in Scripture, “Before God’s Son came down to earth, he spoke with prophets at length and told them what had taken place and the end of our life. He also used these prophecies to show us what he knew about the future and how to prepare for everything that was coming.” (John 10:1–17) And so God took his son’s place. But one day, God found himself sitting on a mountain top looking up to where heaven is. In this position, he decided to ask his Son the question, “what do you see?” (John 10:11–12). The Son replied, “it’s a lake of fire, burning forever and ever in the midst of a blazing furnace. You’ve seen it, but I haven’t yet seen it. If only we could escape” (John 10:13-15). This answer surprised God and made him happy. Then he instructed his servant (Jesus Christ), who happened to be right next to him, to go over and look into the lake of fire. Jesus did just that, and saw the vision which foretold the destruc