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The Great White Throne is mentioned in Revelation 20:11, which the apostle John sees after Satan is cast into the lake of fire. And this white throne is not the throne that was in the millennium kingdom with full of glory, because, this throne will be set up for the judgment of the dead after the millennial kingdom. and this throne is called the big and white throne.
The enormity of the throne represents God's greatness and omnipotence.
This great throne will be set up only once, and at that time all the judgment of human being will be completed, After that there will be no need for this throne, but the Revelation Chapter 20 Verse 11, says that the glory of the one who sits on the throne is so great that the earth and the heavens flee from before him.
This shows two things.
First, the white throne is not in heaven And the second is that this throne is not even on earth Rather, this throne is in the air. When this throne was set up, the earth and the first heaven were before it, for the dead were yet to be removed from it and hades also had to be removed. But when all this was taken away, earth and heaven fled away, It means that heaven and earth disappeared, or were destroyed, else neither the earth nor the sky remained, now there is no name or sign of the earth and the sky that came here except the white throne and nothing else is left.
And the Holy Bible says that on that day the heavens will be destroyed with great noise.
In accordance with this promise we look forward to the heavens and the earth, in which the way will be settled, and this will all be after the Great White Throne Judgment. The number of people in this court is very large, from Adam to the last man in the world, about the death of which it is written in Revelation Chapter 20 verse 1to10, that all the dead people will be present. For this court, a special big throne was installed in the air. The strict placement on the plaque, the determination of the purpose, the presence of all the angels and all the saints gives this occasion a special significance This judgment is also great, because all these people remain oblivious to such a great salvation and ignore it, and to reject salvation and the Savior is a great crime. Lord Jesus himself said that all those who refuse to accept Jesus as their Savior will have a great judgment and a great punishment,
Which is eternal death.
that means all those who refuse to accept Jesus as their Savior will have a great judgment and a great punishment, which is eternal death.
And all these people will be thrown into the lake of fire into which the Antichrist, the false prophet and Satan were already thrown.
Going further than that, Revelation chapter 20 verse 12 is worth a lot of consideration. How will all the dead be present before the great white throne? because there are many people coming into the world who are not buried but burned. Many people die in accidents whose bodies are never found. Here we see that the power of God's wisdom, that God has a record of all the people He has created.
God knows.
The birth of all human beings, their life and death, He knows how they died and where their body is buried or what is done with their body. God's law is that for men to die once and after that there will be judgment, two things are necessary for everyone. The first death and the second judgment And no matter how high a man is, how rich or famous he is, he should know that no one will escape the judgment of God.
When the time of judgment comes,
all the dead will be called, and as soon as they hear their own names, all men's substance will change. And each will take a spiritual form remember that the spiritual body is different from the mortal and earthly body and when the dead are resurrected in spiritual form, their souls will also enter them,
Each body and soul that was separated will be reunited before appearing in judgment.
And then will appear before the great white throne This is the second resurrection which is called the resurrection of punishment and after that it is written that the books were opened when all the dead appeared in front of the white throne,
The Prophet JOHN
Saw that the angels were opening the books Which they had already brought, the number of these books is as many as the dead are standing because each dead person has a separate book, and Each book records!
The achievements and deeds of the deceased's life.
All that he has done in his whole life, and none of those who appear before that white throne can argue with God because they all know that what is written in the books is true.
God knows everything about every human being.
and in the last judgment God will reward them according to their deeds and at the same time, the books of life are mentioned here. All those whose names were not found written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire.
The Book of Life is mentioned 12 times in the Holy Bible.
And those who do not accept the Lord Jesus and live their lives in sin, their names will not be found in this book. Therefore, as long as we are alive on this earth, God gives us time to repent of our sins and give our life to God and spend our life in Him. So that all our names will be saved in the book of life. So that when this world ends, we can enter with the Lord into the new heaven and earth that is mentioned in Revelation 21.


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